Outboard 2 stroke Engine Oil that's an Outboard Industry approved NMMA TC-W3 RL® formulation with our exclusive additives we meet or exceed the industry standard when it comes to guarding against power robbing ring stick and carbon build up, while providing superior anti-wear and anti-corrosion protection in the harsh marine environment.
High quality anti-wear protection for pistons and bearings.
Enhanced cleanliness of engine components, particularly the piston and exhaust port; no sludge produced.
Outstanding anti-corrosion and anti-rust capability to provide protection for the engine’s components.
Low exhaust smoke production – burns without leaving any sticky deposits.
Reduces ring-sticking, spark plug fouling and pre-ignition.
Withstands high temperatures and pressures of modern engines, low aquatic toxicity.
Suitable for:
Both pre-mix and direct oil injection systems in all 2-stroke Outboard and Personal Watercraft engines.
Also available in 4L containers here: